Vincent and Luke were brought back from Walden to live in one of the fields on the edge of Newbiggin, happy munching their new grass and enjoying the space free from the bully boys!
When we moved Jonty's gang for similar reasons of fresh pasture, there was no problem.. we then reunited our 4 young ladies back from Dudley's gang so that they could be with their childhood friends and be brought into the barn if the weather got really bad. So we have had really happy gimmers, with Jonty still looking after his little sister... until this week......
Vincent has been pacing up and down the adjoining walls and fences... Melody hasn't been very helpful really... she's been flirting madly... encouraging all the others to do the same and turning Vincents head to mush......... clever boy that he is, he managed to break in or slide under or jump over and enter the field... this was the day before yesterday............. I managed to sneak him out of the gate without letting anyone else escape and put him back into his own field with Luke.......... trouble was he had got back in again yesterday morning............. leaving Luke on his own..
So I got him out again... he was a bit suspicious the second time... he is very bright... but I am him mum in his eyes so I do have the upper hand... yer right! I popped him and his younger brother into the field with the other lambs that are being fattened... then plugged any suspicious areas in the fence and the dividing wall that might sucumb to his whylie ways... Why did I bother... there he was again this morning, all settled and part of the group.......... trouble is he is a tup!.... Nigel will sort him out later!!