There is also an air of fun round here at the moment.. we went to the wedding of a dear friend on Saturday, followed by a going away party for Nigel's daughter Leanne, who is off to Australia for a year with her partner in January.... and next weekend we have a "Strictly Night" planned.. with score paddles!!
This morning I have been followed around Home Field by "Sky" one of our texdale gimmers from the old swaledale, who thought it was funny to chew the goggle on my fleece and then stretch the elastic so that it twanged against my backside when she let go... not justs once so it wasn't a fluke... she used to be so nervous, and is now my little shadow.... with a sense of humour!
The shop has been busy this morning too with last minute shopping for Christmas, and a really generous delivery of fabrics from a customer who was clearing out her materials. I will see what I can use and then spread the remainder round on another material rummage before the holidays... I love this sort of sharing round!
I've also wound a warp for my first woven rag rug, just got to thread it, and then prepare the strips of fabric ready to weave...... some old curtains in this case... I'm really looking forward to seeing how this turns out... it shows much promise, and a chance to recycle and change from one obsolete use to the resurrection of another!
Oh by the way........ if you are thinking of coming to the Yorkshire Dales for the Tour De Yorkshire next July, and are looking for camping facilities en-route... then let us know as we will be hiring out "home field" for pitching tents.... only basic facilities will be available. i.e. Portaloos... but we are taking booking now..