We have had a bit of a rearranged with all the sheep over the weekend... bringing some back from Redmire to Aysgarth and moving all the babies over from /west Burton too......
We made the decision to introduce Melody, the Hamster girls and Freckle to Dudley's gang... they are big enough to tupp this season and from past experience, it is better to let gimmers lamb in their first year as they make incredibly good mums... Nigel says it because they remember being lambs themselves. This has caused some disruption... Dudley became very bossy and started butting the youngsters into line... which resulted in all 4 crying at the gate on Monday morning... heart wrenching... like leaving your children at school for the first time...... Yesterday I sat on a log and stroked Melody while she rested her head in the crook of my elbow and watched Dudley stand in the middle of the field looking at us....... he walked over slowly, put his chin on her back and then came round to lean on my side and clearly understood that I loved him too and he wasn't to behave in such a jealous way.... they are funny!
The rest of the lambs have altered their pecking order as a result of four being missing with Lottie becoming much more forward........ I think she must have been living in Melody's shadow and her affectionate side has come to the surface again as a result... very sweet! Megan has missed Melody.... but they are only a few yards away from each other so they can hear each other greeting me when I arrive... they are all much more settled today......
On Monday I made my way over to Farfield Mill in Sedbergh and to visit Laura Rosenzweig at home and her beautiful garden studio where she creates such wonderful fabrics........ we had a cuppa and a chat and then caught up with some of the other weavers at the mill....... I returned home in the afternoon laden down with some more of her delicious blankets.... I was running short! Laura also leant me a book on Rug weaving called "The Rug Weavers Source Book" published in the 80's but still full of sound advice as techniques don't change, justs colour schemes and trends........ that's my next read before starting to warp my loom again.
The time spent in the shop this week has been very fruitful too....... I've completed 2 Peg loom rugs which are now rolled up for sale and the cushion covers that are woven will be cut off today and made up next...... its half term holidays, halloween, and bonfire night coming up so I must be prepared!!
............. and a quick note about the Falls at West Burton.... if you want to see Salmon leaping .... come to the village over the next few days.......... This rain has made the cauldron falls roar.... its truly spectacular this year... and they might just get higher up stream......... Don't miss it!