As you will all be aware if you follow Fabric of the Field, you will know that I use a self build web site package from Weebly. They use simple logical ways to assist everyone who needs a website for themselves or their business, to create a professional impression and allow us simple folk to do it for ourselves.
Yesterday they updated their whole way of doing things... giving me and many others a heart attack.......... I had set aside this week, now that the schools have gone back and we have a lull in the village, to update the site ready for Christmas.. so you can imagine my horror and stress levels at the changes.......
I tried the usual systems and they simply brought up lists that I hadn't seen before... on looking further into it I was completely befuddled!
After a cuppa and a few mins reading and looking at their "support" and playing around for an hour, I found out what had happened and saw that there was a webinar at 7.00 p.m.... oh how exciting I'd never taken part in a webinar before... so I duly sat down at the allotted time and hey presto it worked........
It was clear...... concise......... performed with Weebly's calm methodical logic... and sorted me out completely! Even helping with their Q & A to sort out how to merge the old Pro site with the New Business site.... with a mere sentence about hiding the old pages and using the new Category system...
Actually the new systems are brilliant and have catapulted Weebly into giving a site that's navigation and performance is as professional as any massive conglomerate with budgets to match.... I did pay a little more but took advantage of their discount for the next two years.........
I have sorted my site out this morning to the point at which I was yesterday morning, I understand how the new system works and are poised to add all my new products for the Christmas season.......
Thank you Weebly for a great job........ Weebly have webinars weekly with the next on 12th November at 7.00 p.m. ......... Take a look..!