I called in to see the girls at 6.00 am this morning and again at 10.00... but there were no signs of anything happening yet.......... I've kept them in today, as its a cold and rainy day....... newborn lambs don't like being cold or damp!
We have fresh straw in birthing pens, clean buckets for water, and little racks full of hay...... My maternity ward is armed and ready for action!!
We separated Vincent and Dudley from their respective flocks at the weekend and put them back together........ much to Dudley's annoyance.. he was mortified....... he spent the first 10 minutes knocking ten tonnes out of a fence post, breaking it off at the bottom... Nigel had to his foot against it to stop the fence coming down.......... then after showing Vincent how tough he was, turned on him and we watched the clattering of skulls, until Vincent quickly backed down......... there was a little more post battering to seal the dominance and then they got back to their brotherly relationship........ spending the rest of the day grazing together.......... Think it may have cured Vincent of his bossiness too, which is nothing but good!
We took Douglas, with his gang, over to live with Mitsie and the others, and to give them all a change of scenery... This has made Peewee very needy... or is that greedy..... she managed to get the edge of the food bucket in her mouth to pull it down and towards her last night before plunging her nose in it, excluding anyone else from getting a mouth full........ clever girl!
.... So.... Hope to have more to report and pictures of our first Poll Dorset lambs for you...... sooner rather than later........ I really can't wait!!