Dottie was in the old part on her own and was straining.... I went home to change into farming attire and left Nigel with her.... on my return there were 2 little hooves showing, so I felt inside to check if there was a nose with them and a lamb was delivered in seconds.... We put the two in the last pen available and left them for a while, returning to find a second being born so I delivered that one too........ they are the happiest family, Dottie is proving to be a wonderful mum and loves both her offspring...... unlike her sister Curley!
I did take a bottle down at 11.00 and with little encouragement the lamb fed from me and then went straight back to Curley for another helping... where she was promptly kicked off..... Curley then came up, chewed the bottom of the bottle and then tried to suck from the teat herself..... it's two years ago since I fed her and she still remembers...... amazing really!! So... I'm going to top up and see if I can help rather than take over......... although in reality I think I've got another pet!!!
More about the "Squiggles" with Babe, Honey, Bunny, Talula and Minnie the minx later! I must take a camera with me later!