I have a routine to get them out... I put a little cake in the trough to attract the mums and then hopefully the lambs will follow... I feed Ellie first and then let her out of her pen last so that she doesn't get trampled in the rush......... then once the mums have eaten their snack I lead Ellie across the stone slab which acts as a bridge then up the field and everyone else follows....... then I walk to the top of the flock with Ellie behind me so that she gets integrated in with the lambs then I can make a quiet retreat without her noticing that I've gone.... always works a treat until today.....
I was nearing the gate and turned round to make sure that they were all settled and grazing, only to catch Ellie leaping the beck like a little steeple-chaser... her speed and little legs must have carried her a good 8 feet from one side to the other with a look of determination on her face... she didn't flinch... most lambs take a while to learn how to jump the beck and get scared of it, but none of that sissy stuff with her!! I picked her up and hugged her and walked back to the others, making sure that she was ok and finally got away without any more upset.... here she is joining the lambs, with Phoebe being this afternoons babysitter!..............
oh and the floppy ear in the top picture is only a trick of the camera........ Ellie had just been shaking... sheep, unlike dogs, shake their heads last... and she'd just stopped........ her ear had to catch up!!!!! .............. and she's all nice and tidy now that her tail has dropped off!