First a note about Mitsie........ she is just amazing! We have called her lambs the Squiggle family.... they are a bunch of little urchins ! They can be likened to the "Clampits" they are the scruffiest little gang we have ever reared and they wrestle every time we go near them.... Their downfall was to trample in the crystalix while they lived in the barn and then roll around together which covered them all in a sweet brown sticky solution that attracted every grubby, grungy morsel in their pen, covering them in a disgusting layer of filth ..
Mitsie has settled with them and is resigned to the fact that they are completely unruly... Now that she is feeling better her udder has become partly workable, I think only one teat is giving a little milk but it is helping keep the family together....
I'm also feeding one of the jacob lambs too....... he's doing brilliantly, and his mum is very happy to let me help..... she's rearing the other 2 on one teat!
We have put a trailer in the field which keeps them all out of the weather especially at night, and lets us know where to find them in the dark when they need a feed... very useful.. but this has also become inhabited by most of the lambs in the field.... probably in excess of 25 at the last count... with Mitsie at the entrance to keep guard..... What a treasure!
More about our triumphs and disasters later....... there have been a few!