James rounded up all the lambs to go to Leyburn auction mart last night, and I went down to the barn before it got dark to sort out who was going and who was staying..
I also manhandled Vincent down the road away from his claimed hareem. I had to put my arm under his chin and put the other round his rear to march him the 100 yards to the barn. There was quite some resistance, with an early try to get us both through the hedge, but he's so tame that it wasn't too difficult. I added 5 more boys and then waited for Nigel to bring the trailer.
We took him 2 miles away so there is hopefully no chance of him returning... although don't hold your breath, he's a very clever lad! This morning all were settled except him who heard the car and my voice and went in the opposite direction as he is used to being fed in the west third of the field, but we have shut him out of there as Sandra's next door gimmers don't need him joining them either!!!