Well...... she went full term which was a bonus... was her usual moody, hungry self...... and when it started to rain for England we brought everyone inside to have more control over what we were doing.... we had been advised that lambing in the field would be o.k. but after 2 failures with a couple of hogs it was clear that it was not ideal ... I always try to take good advice, but when my gut feeling says "do what you normally do, it works" it has to take priority, especially when the weather has turned.
So when I arrived at the barn first thing on Saturday morning I was delighted to find that Peewee had delivered 2 nice lambs on her own, they were all clean and dry, and already full of their first meal.... I penned them up together and fed her and she has proved to be a brilliant mum with no lasting effects from last time!! The second lamb was just of of shot, all snuggled up in a nest of hay, and full of milk....... I'm so proud of her!.... although a little surprised they are both white?