We were busy and I had other things on my mind with lambing so I didn't do much about it until Sunday, when I got on to Weebly.... taking part in a live chat to work out what had happened and who was responsible.... I sent an email to the relevant person and today we are back up and running!.... Thank you Lorna!.. just want to understand what had happened?
We had 2 more sets of twins on Sunday morning, all girls. Lucy one of our home bred Ryelands and one of James's mules..... I had been a bit late doing my early shift, as we were out to dinner and had a late night, but nothing was doing at 5.30..... by 8.30 they had been born simultaneously.... trouble was all the lambs and the mums were together with the mule trying to adopt everyone and Lucy, who is low down the pecking order, trying to keep her lambs to herself.... What a muddle!
We separated them into pens, keeping some distance between the two, with the mule replying every time Lucy's lambs said anything... she has stolen other lambs before, and has a really strong mothering instinct.... anyway by the afternoon they were settled and bonded properly...... One of the Ryeland girls has a cloudy eye and is blind on that side, but she is strong and finding Lucy's teats so we'll keep a watchful eye on her.
The previous weekends lambs were put out into the field and even with the rain over the weekend are thriving! Nigel put some hay out in the field and they all thought is was to sit on after being penned on straw for a week... very sweet!