I checked them all at the barn at 7.00 am yesterday and Smudge had a little to eat which was fine........ on returning at 11.30 she was snuggled up with her lambs at the far end of the pen....... I didn't think anything of it as they were really content........ after going to Leyburn's Auction Mart where I "failed" to purchasing some more dorsets, I went back, more to check Mitsie actually, and Smudge hadn't moved..... when I went into the pen to see that the lambs were o.k. she didn't get up and when I pulled her up, there was definitely something wrong..... she had Moss...... I went home to get some hot water and heat up the calcium then gave her 4 injections of 20ml and fed her lambs too ........ 2 hours later she was munching hay and her lambs were feeding again....
Today I have put her and her lambs into the mew with our visiting mum... later about that too...... and have cleared out all the pens ready for more lambing... and as you can see her lambs are completely adorable!