The last lot of sheep are being Clik'd as we speak.. Nigel and I went over to Sunnybank at 10.00 to get them all in....... they follow me with the bucket.. no rounding up required... James came too and I left them to come home and open up the shop...... Clik is a pink solution that is drenched in a line along each sheep's back... it stops fly strike and lasts for 16 weeks I think.. although don't quote me... which covers the horrible months that are just about to come along, when blow flies are so troublesome........ all the lambs that we are keeping get some too......... but the lambs that are going for sale get a spray called Flyaway instead....... (I always get that name mixed up with a type of carrot we grow for some reason.. they take the michael something rotten!) It's sprayed on their bottoms as we can't sell any of the Clik'd sheep until the withdrawal period is over........ Last to be done will be my 5 babies and Millie later today... We'll do it while they're eating their tea and they won't even notice!
We have taken some spained ewes to a new field at the top end of North Walden.. they re so happy... there is natural spring water, lots of unspoiled herbage and 3 more are joining them this morning.... Mad Hamster's Mum, the Mad Mum who now kisses me ever since I was kind to her in the barn... and a 3rd who also belongs to James........ They'll all mix in as they know each other and will be happy as larry getting nice and healthy for tupping in October... I love it when we are offered more land to use... it helps us and it keeps it eaten down for the owners when they don't keep livestock themselves.. works for everyone!
All the sheep are much happier to be cooler today........ we just need a heavy shower or two to refresh the grass and "job'll be a good 'un!"