I've had one of them today......
I went to feed the lambs early this morning with the idea that I'd get them out into the field for the day before the bad weather hit again..... it started to snow while I was there, thundering great heavy wet flakes on the metal roof... so I let them stay in.... on the way back the sun came out.......
I went to feed Vincent and the boys.... they were missing... I filled their trough and hay rack and called for them... nothing.... I went to the top of the field and discovered that the dividing gate had been forced open at the bottom and they were next door...... they did come when there were called.
I went to get my cards and parcels posted.... the post office was closed and the post box opening was so small that nothing would fit... so I had to find another...... thanks goodness they'll be open in the morning and that its still in time for 1st class mail for my parcels!
Andy H parked outside the cottage so I thought I'd find the envelope I'd promised him.... big secret.... and couldn't find it!!!
Mike Sigs parked outside too... and as I had payment for his daughters beautiful calenders I called to him to wait so that I could pay him... he drove off!
I've tried to get my internet banking sorted out today....... and failed as the codes don't work...... great!
So.... As nothing I did seemed to go right I gave up at lunch time and let it take its course.... this afternoon has been much more relaxed... perhaps tomorrow will be better!