Now when I arrived at the barn this morning, I had a quick look round to see if any of the ewes were lambing... there were none.. so I fed the two mums and Margaret in the pens and then took Melody's and the teenagers up the road and into their field..... they are so well trained.. I listen to make sure there is no traffic and then open the floodgate.... they bound up the road and verge, leaping and skipping for joy... I love it!,.... breakfast is served in the trough for most and with Melody's head in the bucket for hers while I stroke her and tickle her ears!
Next the ewes get their breakfast so they are out of the way at one end as it makes it easier to quickly do their water with the door open, then usually the hay is distributed... but not this morning..
As I changed the water in the pens I noticed that one of the latest twins seemed to have fallen over...... I watched...... no he hadn't fallen over, he was in some distress... writhing in the straw, then getting up, rubbing his side on the fence, and then twisting up before laying on his side and kicking his legs about again......
I picked him up and gently felt his tummy... he was full of milk and showed no sense of pain when I massaged him..... I checked his bottom.. he was clean as a whistle.. I stroked his underside from top to bottom... then checked the strength in his back legs... he seemed fine, then did the same from nose to tail on top... then I put him back with his mum as she was concerned about what I was doing and watched again.... he continued with this strange behavior...
No one had their hay and Dudley would have to wait.... I put him in the foot-well of the car and drove to Bainbridge. He squirmed about all the way there, a 15 min drive... I went into reception at the vets and spoke to Davinia... Amy, another vet, would have time to help me so I got him out of the car.... she was so nice... examined him from top to toe, felt his stomach and his spine, tested the strength in his legs. She was much firmer that I'd been, much more confident, well she knows what she's doing!! Probably a bit of colic she said or could be a spinal abscess.. she put him on the floor and watched.. he stretched out his back legs uncomfortably as if trying to relieve something and toppled over of the slippery lino... She gave him 2 injections.. one for each diagnosis..... gave me two for the weekend in case he needs more and I returned to the barn.... he was better in the car actually... yawned at me a couple of times (with stress I thought) and sat quietly with his legs tucked under him all the way home..
Him mum was delighted to see him..... everyone got the rest of their breakfast.. although it was brunch by then and when James turned up I told him what had happened......
"All bunged up aye?....Haven't seen that in years" he said.... "Used to give 'em caster oil you know... won't 'urt 'em... just clears 'em Out!"
"Have you got any?" I asked ............"No" !!
........ so I'm glad I'd been to the vet!!
When I left the barn he was settling down with his brother having had a nice warm drink...... no more writhing..... just needed a sleep!