From the day I removed her from her mum, she has grown in confidence and in stature.. She was weak and shaking the day I adopted her, and was so grateful to be rescued. She sat my arms, shut her eyes and shook. I had brought a bottle with me and she drank it very slowly, but it warmed her and she felt better, I had held her for ages until she poked her head up, stuck her nose under my chin and snuggled in for the duration, a place she has chosen to be ever since..
In the last week she has really improved, her little spine has disappeared and her little body has put on a lovely warm layer.... she has grown in size, and weight, and is just like any other lamb, leaping around and jumping off the bale of straw that doubles as a seat in her pen...... We feed her every 3-4 hours which is between 6 and 7 feeds a day except at night when she goes for about 7 or 8 without a feed, but that's fine because she also gets a good sleep.....
The first bottle of the day is guzzled with a sort of pumping action... Ellie spreads her front lets to give more stability and sometimes does the same with the rear, and then sucks for England!... once she's finished, she runs round my legs until I bend down and offer to stroke her, this always results in her leaping into my arms.... having a cuddle is the best bit of her day, and she has as many of these as she has bottles........ probably more actually.... and once she stops frantically nosing my face, soon settles down with her nose under my chin for as long as I have time to spend with her..... She's adorable.. and I hope she grows into a fully grown sheep..... More pics soon!!
Now this past week has also been bonkers so....... we have run out of time with all these antics, Christmas has just sneaked up on us... I want to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas, and a prosperous new year...... And I'd like to thank all those who have been following my blog... I really enjoy writing it and love the reactions from you.......... Take care and have a good one!