Tibby must have tripled in weight, when I picked her up this morning, the first time since Monday, the difference is staggering..... its about time they went outside actually but today is not the day..... we've had sun, some really heavy showers and hail so far..... Sunday is forecast to be nice so we might put them at the top of the Home field as the gate can be shut to keep them in and there is an old shed where they used to lamb before the barn was kitted out so there is shelter if needed... and its over the wall from Jame's house at the top so he can keep an eye on them!
Margaret joined the inside flock yesterday and has integrated back in, they all know each other so it didn't take long for the pecking order to reestablish.. ..
Now its more waiting and watching as there are more mums due, with the Jacob fit to burst...... will report any other events as and when.... so keep checking in!