There was a mass charge from the top of the field. ... there is no food involved, no cupboard love... no enticements... there is nothing more than the promise of a cuddle and some well deserved attention... Even the Dorsets have got the idea, with "Molly" the first to have a name, getting used to having her nose rubbed, she'll soon be having a full body massage like Mitsie when she understands how enjoyable it is..
Ruby was in the lead at this point, with Sammy on the far right giving her a run for her money...... Peewee was in the middle during the chase, but worked her way into first place by the time she reached us.. just like Daisy-May it's important to her, being hand reared, to be the first in line with the person she considers to be "hers" before any one else can push in .... and you had to be there to appreciate how funny it was with Nigel singing the signature tune from Black Beauty........ circa 1970 something!!! .................What is he like?