The first batch of ewes are inside at night and out in home field when the weather allows....... today has been glorious with the first warm sunny day in ages...... they have all loved being outside in the fresh air.... in fact Melody and her gang are staying out tonight for the first time in ages... they are in the field next to the barn so there has been much conversation with them all day... Melody particularly..... she likes to chat if she can hear me close by... neither of us know what the heck we are talking about but we both ramble on endlessly to each other!! I'm preparing her old pen to look just as it was when I raised her last year, as she is in lamb and I want it all to look familiar for her.... ok I know its a bit over the top for a sheep but think how you'd feel??
I have a lambing course at the vets in Leyburn on Tuesday, I hope to have the confidence to assist with any difficult births this year as over the last 3 seasons I've felt rather useless when something serious has been required. I'll have a much better idea of what I'm doing, and hopefully won't feel so nervous about it!