These two huge boys were some of the first that I hand reared when their mum died the day after they were born... they were so tiny and so sweet. I spent hours raising them into what they are now........ huge, healthy, boisterous and potentially dangerous lads... I went to check on them at the weekend and they, with their 3 mates came bounding up.. I fed them and watched... Olly, the only one who has developed horns, decided to attack Vincent,... knocking him over on his side and continuing to but him... I intervened with a wallop on the head with a bucket.. it stopped him immediately, but he then looked at the bucket and butted that too.....
When Nigel got home from the Lakes we sat down and talked about what to do.. it was time to clear all our cast stock and send them to market... we spend Sunday sorting everyone out and on Tuesday evening brought 7 into the barn for the night. Early the following morning we went to load them and for me to say goodbye... they went into the trailer with no problem and Nigel took them to Leyburn..
On Wednesday it was Chip night too so we went up to the Fox and Hounds as usual... the fact that we had had animals for sale at the Auction Mart had not gone unnoticed apparently.... There had been some smiling faces, much leaning on gates and comments of "See Muzzie's put he foot down then!" of course the funny side is not lost on me at all, I know I'm sentimental........ and it makes me smile that micky is taken so gently.... but the fact that Nigel waited for me to catch up with what he new would be the ultimate demise of them all was kind....... I got there in the end.. no tear... just a little sad... Such if life!......... But no one is getting their hands on Vincent......... or Jonty... Ever!