Melody came to the gate to say goodbye as usual and Dudley came too.... only he cut her off at the pass and prevented her from reaching me... I thought this was a fluke so I went back into the field......oh no it wasn't.... he gently butted me into the field, walking very close, but if I stopped he pushed me on... when I got close to Melody he put himself between us..... again and again.. until we stopped.... then he came back to me... then when I moved he nudged me along again.... so I reversed away, still facing him... and he did the same, I thought he was going to charge... when I turned round to walk away he trotted towards me and rounded me up again... all very peculiar ...I wondered why... perhaps I smell of a ewe coming into season because I'd been stroking Melody... but really.. he's does have the wrong idea!!
In the afternoon he did the same until Melody went for the comfort and safety of a pen, (Something she still remembers from being taught as a lamb)..... Dudley followed and spent time persuading her that he was the right boy for her, and with her batting her eyelashes at him she clearly didn't mind.... I left them to it... what a change from last weekends bullying...... and this morning they are still playing the "love" game... although by the look of her, she has definitely been Tango'd already!