To start we had a little walk round, so that she knows that she should come back to me... luckily she had bonded very quickly, but still thought she should suckle from a sheep, so I let her go up to all the ewes until each had nudged her away, picking her up each time to give her a proper cuddle to reinforce her bond.. after the first outing the job was done, and now she comes straight back to me every time I call her name. We also had a go at jumping the stream, with a bit of a walk through with wet legs and tummy the first time, but a definite jump on the return!
Next was to teach her how to sit in the lee of the wall, and the strong winds yesterday helped. The wind was so strong that it blew her ears about and she hunkered down into my arm. While under the wall she could wander around in its shelter... This also let her walk a little further away, returning with a skip and jump when she felt she'd gone too far.
Yesterday Lilly had her first encounter with her father, Buster, who is a huge texel ram. He was really good with her, as she bounced over to be nose to nose with him... he eventually got up but didn't knock her away... I removed her when he pawed the ground just under her nose.... she must also learn when she's pushing her luck!!