We had another call from Davinia the vet last night. Tabatha, who, on Monday, had shown signs of lambing within the next 24-48 hours was still not showing signs of anything..... She is fine... she's just going to lamb when she blinking well feels like it and not when we all second guess her!!
While Davinia was there she suggested that we might like to use some lamb jackets to keep our new arrivals warmer on these chilly nights..... its getting below freezing at night with all these clear sky's so this morning I popped up to the surgery and collected a pack... I was expecting a single colour... perhaps blue or orange... but no... advertising has even reached this niche market....
I started with Brenda.... when she was born, Nigel thought she might be a bit slow on the uptake.... however there is nothing wrong between her ears... she's just even more laid-back than Dudley was.... she simply doesn't let anything bother her.... she has taken to laying her chin in my hand so that I can rub her cheeks with my fingers on one side of her face and my thumb on the other... it sends her into a trance..... so she was my choice when trying to dress a lamb in a plastic jacket for the first time.... having perfected the technique with her it was much easier to fit Annie with hers..... she's more of a wriggler!
Don't think Louisa was that impressed with the new dress code, but it didn't stop her giving the girls their tea........ Still waiting for Tabatha!!