Time needed to settle the last 18 months into my brain, my being, and my soul.... We had a very tough year, not that I'm going to complain about it, as it's been quite a revelation, but when we get to a certain age, we reach a part of our lives when those who have nurtured us, require the same in return... until they are no longer with us.....
Some embrace the changes that inevitably have to be made to keep the momentum moving forward... even though it is evident that the pain involved is almost unbearable, they remain good humoured and positive with the help and cherishment given by those around them... They take their new surroundings to be their next chapter, and they embrace it, rather than rejecting it out of hand......
Others are the flip side of the coin, finding themselves at the end of their tether... they come asking for help... Solutions are discussed with the same love and consideration, to make such hardship lighter, but to no avail, as their climb back onto a familiar treadmill... its easier than finding the strength to make a change...... the choice of course, is theirs........ so after mammoth efforts are made....... we stand back to watch, powerless to actually do anything, achieving nothing...... and so life continues.... until next time.... Families Huh!!!
So after lambing in December and a new year which drew a line in the sand, my batteries we running very low indeed and I needed to find where it was I left my brains and my sanity.....
.....as it turned out it was probably in the same place as my hard-drive which decided to give up the ghost.... along with 2 years of information... as I'm one of the millions who believe that this will never happen to them!!!! Now after help from "Corner House Computers"...... thank you Simon, at least I have all the information recovered... its just taking hours to sort it out as the files are now named file001....... to infinity!!!!!
Oh and I now have an external backup....
........be warned!!!!......
With brains a little more attached and another set of lambs on the way I'm back on the case.... and when I can get all the systems on here running properly again.... I'll let you see how Ellie and the others are doing.... they're enormous!!