Jonty, our cheeky chap seems to do anything he can to shake things up a bit and make us giggle... He knows exactly what he's doing!
At the weekend he excelled himself... Nigel was leaning over the gate in the barn, grabbing Jonty's nose, and shaking it for fun... he loves it... taking it a step further Nigel came into the pen and began a game of rough and tumble... Dangerous I think as it teaches small male beasts bad habits!!
Anyway.... the two of them were having great fun, until Nigel sat on his heals and took his eye off the ball.... I watched as Jonty took 3 steps back and lined himself up for a full head butt... "Watch out" I shouted"... too late... what a corker, and a great aim.. straight at Nigel's forehead... "Stitch That!"..... I saw it, heard it and watched as the stars went round!..... Jonty thought it was brilliant and continued the game by trying to take Nigel off his legs by butting him at the back of his knees...... I gently grabbed his woolly little face to stopped him. "No" I said firmly... he knows with me that I won't tolerate such rough behavior and he relaxed his chin into the cup of my hands for a cuddle... Clever, bright little lad...
Trouble is, he now thinks Nigel is there for boy's games... the next day he tried to start it all over again.... they learn so quickly, just once and it's imprinted there... now we have to undo the damage...... It's just as well that he is so small... you have to be so careful!
oh.... and the egg on Nigel's head is going down!!